
Registered Department of Labor Apprenticeship programs allow the employer to upskill current employees or recruit new talent while filling workforce gaps. The Northwest Michigan Works! apprenticeship team provides customized apprenticeship services to fit the needs of every employer, big or small. From Winemakers to Medical Assistants to Construction Workers, we assist with the process. Watch the videos below to learn more about Registered Apprenticeships.

Evelyn Szpliet, Regional Director of Apprenticeship Services
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Tina Thompson, Apprenticeship Specialist
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Jane Breederland, Apprenticeship Specialist
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   Kami MongarApprenticeship Specialist
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   Heather Luttrell, Apprenticeship Specialist
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   Thomas DeGroot, Apprenticeship Specialist
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Apprenticeship Videos

Discover Apprenticeship in Michigan: Employer Recognition Event

Discover Apprenticeship: The Right Employees

Discover Apprenticeship: Grow Your Business

Discover Apprenticeship: Launch Your Career Faster

Discover Apprenticeship: Ready for a New Career?

Police Officer Apprenticeship
Northwest Michigan Works! partnered with the Manistee County Sheriff's Department and West Shore Community College to create Michigan's first Police Officer Apprenticeship program. Watch the video to hear what the Apprentice, Mentor, Sheriff, and Director of the Police Academy have to say about the apprenticeship program.

Registered Apprenticeship Overview